Thursday May 9, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
May 9th
11:30 to 1:30
Catered lunch will be provided
Redwood Credit Union (Corporate Office)
480 Devlin Rd., Napa CA
(The Silverado Room)
This event is free, but please register so we know how many lunches to provide.
Green Island Road Meeting, this is an opportunity to bring valuable information pertaining to the industrial area directly to the businesses on the GRID. We will have guest speakers to cover all the hot topics, to include workforce updates, Airport update, road repair information and much more.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the American Canyon Chamber of Commerce & Welcome Center for more information.
3860 Broadway, Suite 103, American Canyon , CA 94503 – (707) 552-3650 –